NORITSU QSS 3502+ [Vendu / Sold]
NORITSU QSS 3502 PLUS Formats: Largeur Papier: 82.5, 89, 102, 114, 117, 120, 127, 130, 152, 165, 178, 203, and 210 (mm)Avance: 82.5 à 610 (mm)Type Chimie: RA4 (Standard processing)Capacité:10x15 (152x102): 1083 tirages heures 15x20 (152x203): 403 tirages heures20x25 (203x254): 358 tirages heuresAccessoires & Options disponible:5 Cassettes papiersSpecial Correction Software - Lens Aberration (Professional)NORITSU EZ Controller Software with dongle v.6PC NRT RS18Moniteur EIZO Flexsca ......
MiNILAB NORITSU 3502 Plus Formats: Largeur Papier: 82.5, 89, 102, 114, 117, 120, 127, 130, 152, 165, 178, 203, and 210 (mm)Avance: 82.5 à 610 (mm)Type Chimie: RA4 (Standard processing)Capacité:10x15 (152x102): 1083 tirages heures 15x20 (152x203): 403 tirages heures20x25 (203x254): 358 tirages heuresAccessoires & Options disponible:5 Cassettes papiersSpecial Correction Software - Lens Aberration (Professional)NORITSU EZ Controller Software with dongle v.6PC NRT RS18Monit ......
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